
Our warehouse is closed till July 30th. Ordering through the webshop is not possible till July 28th. Orders will ship on July 31st


Our warehouse is closed till July 30th. Ordering through the webshop is not possible till July 28th. Orders will ship on July 31st

Power Knot LFC Biodigester




  • Digests food waste at your facility
  • Process is continuous — load at any time
  • All waste is converted to water — machine never needs emptying
  • Discharge from machine is safe to enter sewage system
  • Aerobic digestion ensures no smells
  • Can be installed in kitchen or work area
  • Simple operation — can be used by existing staff
  • Color touch screen interface
  • Weight of waste is continuously monitored and recorded
  • Screen displays statistics on usage and amount of waste
  • Incorporates comprehensive diagnostics and service schedules
  • Connects to the LFC Cloud so statistics and diagnostics can be monitored remotely
  • All stainless steel construction
  • Three year warranty (subject to terms)


  • Greatly reduces costs to dispose of food waste
  • Significantly reduces carbon footprint of business
  • Diversion from landfill to comply with regulations
  • LFC Cloud ensures Power Knot can support you easily
  • Reduces size, quantity, and smells of trash bins
  • Eliminates flies and rodents that may be attracted to garbage bins containing waste food
  • Improves operations and saves time and injuries of employees carrying trash outdoors
  • Weigh and dispose of waste food in one machine
  • Multiple models available ensures correct size for any facility
  • Waste food does not go to landfill where it creates methane and smells
  • Easily report CO₂ equivalent diverted from landfill
  • Key element in making a facility have zero waste
  • Payback is typically 6 to 24 months

What can go in?

what can go in


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