
Our warehouse is closed till July 30th. Ordering through the webshop is not possible till July 28th. Orders will ship on July 31st


Our warehouse is closed till July 30th. Ordering through the webshop is not possible till July 28th. Orders will ship on July 31st

Henco 2020 Acid free Descaler










A safe, low pH organic salt used to replace hydrochloric acid and other traditional acids.

Cost / Performance

  • Performance and cost advantages when dissolving calcium scale compared to citric, phosphoric, glycolic and sulfamic acid
  • Non-corrosive to skin and mild steel
  • Non-fuming
  • Ideal for concentrated acid cleaners

Environment / Health & Safety

  • Classified as a mild skin irritant
  • Approved for use in Green Seal® and Canadian Eco Logo products
  • Approved by the US EPA as a non-food inert ingredient in biocide applications
  • Phosphate free, contains no VOC’s and is a low contributor to BOD/COD in effluents

Uses & Applications

  • Marine Foul Cleaning
  • Industrial Tub, Tile and Bowl Cleaner
  • Descales/Delimer
  • Concrete Floor Cleaners and Etch
  • Pool & Spa cleaners
  • Transportation Cleaning – Acid Presoaks
  • Concrete Truck & Equipment Cleaners
  • Food & Dairy Cleaner


henco 2020 descaler before after

                                 Before                                                                     After



Contact us 
email: [email protected]
telephone: +32 475 42 97 10
or ask a quote in:

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